A Circus Blessing at Fairgrounds

A Circus Blessing is a fundraising event created Kylee Zulauf at 11 years old to help raise funds for Blessings in a Backpack Forsyth. Blessings in a Backpack Forsyth is...

A Circus Blessing at Fairgrounds

Cumming Fairgrounds

A Circus Blessing is a fundraising event created Kylee Zulauf at 11 years old to help raise funds for Blessings in a Backpack Forsyth. Blessings in a Backpack Forsyth is...

Cruise-In Car Show at City Center

Cumming City Center 423 Canton Road, Cumming, GA, United States

Get ready for an evening of classic cars and family fun! The Tin Cup Cruise-In Car Show will take place from 6 - 8 p.m. on the first Thursday of...

RadioStart at the City Center

Cumming City Center 423 Canton Road, Cumming, GA, United States

Come out to the City Center's Lou Sobh Amphitheater for this great, free concert!

The Grand Gallop: Kentucky Derby Watch Party at City Center

Cumming City Center 423 Canton Road, Cumming, GA, United States

Celebrate the Kentucky Derby with The Grand Gallop on May 3rd from 3-7 p.m. There will be picnic packages, baked goods, Derby hats and head bands, a photo booth, and...

Dukes of Country at City Center

Cumming City Center 423 Canton Road, Cumming, GA, United States

Remember when country was fun? Remember when Country was cool? The icons, the legends, the dancing, the excitement! Not only does The Dukes of Country band transform into characters from...

City Council Work Session

Check this page the Monday prior to the meeting for the agenda: https://www.cityofcumming.net/city-council-agendas-and-meeting-minutes 

Spirit of Rush at the City Center

Cumming City Center 423 Canton Road, Cumming, GA, United States

Come out to the City Center's Lou Sobh Amphitheater for this great, free concert!

Thrive Together – Community Health Fair at City Center

Cumming City Center 423 Canton Road, Cumming, GA, United States

Join us for the inaugural Community Health Fair at the Cumming City Center on May 15th from 12-4 p.m.! A variety of local health care professionals will be available to...